5 top tips to make every bike ride a great one

If you ever find your rides aren't as enjoyable as they should be, try Manon's tips to make them better than ever

Clock18:59, Thursday 21st March 2024

Anytime you’re out on your bike is a good time. Well, usually this is the case but there are times when things don’t go quite according to plan or maybe it's just not as enjoyable as it should be.

In an attempt to limit those days and maximise the good times on your bike. Manon Lloyd has put together her top five tips to help ensure your next ride is the best it can possibly be. From being prepared to having good riding companions, here are our top tips.

1. Clean your bike

A sure-fire way to ruin a ride is a bike that’s not performing as well as it could. Gears that jump, rubbing brakes, annoying noises coming from who knows where. So although you might not always feel like it, giving your bike a clean, even if it’s just a five-minute wash, should help keep it in decent working order. It’s also a good idea to give it a regular service and maybe take it to your local bike shop for a bit of expert opinion or help spotting potential trouble ahead that can be fixed before you head out on your next ride.

2. Plan your Route

It might seem obvious but we don’t always think carefully about the route we’re taking before we hit the road. With a bit of planning you can take your ride to the next level by ensuring it contains some of your favourite terrain, has some superb scenery or avoids annoying traffic hotspots. Remember to include plenty of what you like to ride – so if you love climbing up hills then plan a route that has plenty of them!

3. Check the weather forecast

Depending on where you live the weather can be unpredictable, and getting caught out is an easy way to ruin a ride.

Manon's first bit of advice here would be to invest in some cycle-specific clothing to help protect you from the elements. If you have the right clothing you should be able to ride come rain or shine.

If you really don’t like riding in the wet then check the forecast and try and find the gaps in the rain to go out and ride. If you can’t be that flexible maybe just go for it anyway but think about shortening the ride and choosing good roads so it doesn’t become too miserable.

4. Write a checklist to help remember all your kit

There’s nothing worse than going on a ride and realising that you’ve forgotten one glove, or worse, you haven’t packed enough snacks. There can be a lot to think about when you consider repair kits, spares, bottles for drinks, extra clothing etc. In the rush to actually get on your bike, it can be easy to forget key items. So make a checklist on your phone of all the things you’re likely to need and tick them off as you get ready.

5. Cycle with friends

One thing that can usually turn an okay ride into a great one is riding with your mates. The social side of riding can help keep you relaxed, and motivated, as well as offering someone to stop and have coffee and cake with. Just be careful to consider who you bring along – you don’t want that annoying friend who winds you up the whole time.

Those are Manon’s top tips - did she miss anything? Let us know your best ways to ensure you have a great ride in the comments below.

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